Social Responsibility

In pursuance of the objectives of RPM Group in HR management, based on the continuity of experience and system organization of work with people, work on the selection and manpower deployment, training, certification, and other activities is aimed at long-term tasks in accordance with the guidelines of the Group development. It should be noted that the key principles that have an impact on personnel and human resources management to achieve the goals and policies of the Group for which the basic staff management of the plant is striving are:

  • strategic development of RPM Group’s plants becomes a priority direction;
  • occupied sales markets in need of special products and services specify appropriate requirements for the level of personnel training;
  • competitive advantages are based on knowledge and skills of personnel;
  • continuous professional development is a vital prerequisite for staff at all levels;
  • There is a desire to create a flexible work environment, which maintains a balance between the law and the interests of employees;
  • achieving excellence in customer satisfaction will continue to be an integral part of any strategic plan;

Personnel policy goal of the Company is to provide the enterprise with the necessary number of employees of required qualifications, involvement and development of personnel in order to improve the results and efficiency of the production process and satisfaction of personnel in their professional and personal development.

Activities of Personnel Management have economic and social orientation. The economic effect is achieved by improving the work of personnel department with employees. Carrying out various activities by personnel management department of the Company may obtain economy of labor time, raw materials and energy, improvement of product quality. Social effects include increased job satisfaction, reduced staff turnover, a favorable psychological environment. As a result, the social effect affects economic one.

  • Вклад в безопасность
  • Технологический лидер
  • Производитель  «русских» машин
  • Игрок глобального рынка