18 january 2012 | All

New brand approved!

January 18, 2012 a meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Kaluga Plant Remputmash was held, where one of the issues considered was a new brand concept of RPM Group and corporate identity of the Company.

During the meeting, the company’s management approved the brand and the corporate identity. Thus, RPM Group now has an officially approved logo, which our potential partners have already had the opportunity to see at the international railway exhibitions in Shcherbinka and Delhi (India), held in autumn 2011.

The approval of the new identity — visual basis of RPM Group, will ensure more efficient and effective way to form the Group image in external communications, creating a vivid and memorable image of the company as the leading Russian manufacturer of track machines and technologies. Approved by the Board of Directors visualization highlights the inextricable link of RPM Group with our strategic partner — Russian Railways OJSC. In addition, our goal remains the same — work together to safely and effectively integrate the economic space of Russia in the global system of movement of people, goods and technologies.

Along with this, the new brand is a kind of a symbol of the aspirations of RPM Group to occupy a prominent position as one of the leading players in the global market by offering our customers efficient and reliable technical and technological solutions. We manufacture and service «Russian» track machines created on the basis of advanced engineering design, building up an industrial cooperation when necessary with world leaders in track engineering.

  • Вклад в безопасность
  • Технологический лидер
  • Производитель  «русских» машин
  • Игрок глобального рынка